Eastpak loves life
I les noves motxilles...una imatge val més que 1000 paraules (Foto feta al Pas de la Casa, Andorra):
Més wallpapers a la web de Eastpak.
Blog d'una apassionada del coneixement en general i dels iconos en particular.Contacta amb mi!
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Per a crear un nou xiclet només s'ha d'escollir un nom, un joc de colors, una contrasenya per a futures edicions, i escriure el contingut del xiclet.
WEB2DNA will take you website, analyze it, crunch it to little bits and spit it out as a graphic representation of a human DNA.
The brightness of the lines is determined by the importance of the tags in terms of structure.
* H1 is brighter than H2, which is brighter than H3.
* TABLE is brighter than TR, which is brighter than TD tags.
* Images and flash elements appear as 70% white.
* New HTML tags like STRONG and EM is brighter than older ones like B and I
* UL, OL and DL is brighter than their LI, DT, DD
* DIV layout is brighter than table layout
Basically a semantically rich site will appear brighter than one with messy old-style code.